Categoria: Seminari e Convegni
Stato: Archiviata
27 Maggio 2022

Energy, Climate Change and Mountain -

Aosta, Palazzo regionale, Sala M. Ida Viglino ore 9

Along the line of internationalization drawn with the Webinar of 10 December 2021 on The future of energy: an analysis by international stakeholders, the Congress completes the global view, extending it beyond the energy question to touch on a theme closely linked to energy and which represents the main motivation for the energy transition in act: climate change of anthropogenic origin.
In particular, after a contextualization of the problem in general terms, we intend to start a discussion on the effects that climate change is already causing in areas of particular sensitivity, such as mountain areas, including the Alps and the Aosta Valley, and on what initiatives are underway to prevent and mitigate such effects from the points of view not only energy-related but also economic and social.
The conference will develop in two moments and with two related purposes:

  • Global look: climate change and its effects on the general ecosystem.
  • Energy and Mountains: how climate change is changing the view of the mountain at the international level, and how the awareness of problems can preserve the mountain ecosystem, in particular the Alpine one? How it is addressed in mountain areas in the EU and the US, and what lessons we can learn from these different visions for what concerns the Alps? Visions from the Alps compared to northern Europe (Norway), to the American highlands (Colorado, Utah), to finally arrive at the Valley of Aosta.