
The Department for its activities employs some investigative commissions appointed by the Director.


The commission includes one representative of the scientific field and the Director presides. The committee shall formulate proposals to the department for programming the teaching and research staff. The committee also discusses the criteria for the allocation of resources (eg. Bibliometric criteria to be taken internally).


The commission is composed of the Director of the Department, the Vice-Director and two representatives of the teachers, in addition to the Management Manager. The Commission makes proposals to the Department for the allocation of quotas for the incentive fund for the administrative staff, as required by university rules on treatment accessory and proposes granting additional financial contributions to the technical and administrative staff to high responsibility.


The Commission shall consist of one representative of the scientific field and develops the preliminary preparatory work allocation of teaching duties, in accordance with the articulation of curricula of different degree programs that require the educational contribution of disciplinary scientific fields belonging to the department. The Committee shall assess also the satisfaction of the constraints for the nominal teaching load and the possible attribution to external courses without attribution of an internal teacher.

The most functional commissions directly to the organization of research activities are the following:


The committee consists of a representative of the teachers for each SSD. The Commission shall make the quarterly monitoring of the activities of the Research Groups surveyed (publications, research contracts, any awards, any patents). Then proceeds to the collection and discussion of any changes to lines of research already surveyed, and proposals for new lines of research, to propose synergies between internal research groups to DENERG, and suggest international links.


The commission is composed of seven representatives of the teaching staff, 3 technical managers of Laboratories and is designed to examine both the organizational problems and the safety of the laboratories, is to plan the methods of use, the maintenance of existing instrumentation and the definition plan purchases of research equipment for various research laboratories operating within the DENERG.


The commission is composed of five representatives of the area and the RGA. The purpose of the Committee is to plan, on the basis of objective parameters, attribution, its directions for use and maintenance of the departmental office space, common areas and laboratories for research and education.


The commission includes the two technical managers of the departmental faculty libraries and the two librarians. The commission oversees the planning of expenditure on the library (paper books, online subscriptions to journals etc.)