Research Groups

  • Research Group ACRAQ

    The ACRAQ group develops research and technology transfer activities concerning thermal and refrigeration components and systems for industrial, commercial and residential applications, such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning, removal of airborne contaminants, the production of hot and cold fluids for process applications, the production, distribution and conservation of food, the air conditioning of vehicles, etc.

  • MAHTEP Group

    Our mission is to contribute to the energy transition, by applying analytical and numerical tools to the engineering-based modeling of energy scenarios and to the solution of advanced heat transfer problems in different branches of power and energy engineering.

    The two aspects come together as key points in contributing to enabling new technologies, such as nuclear fusion, or increasing the efficiency of already well-established technologies.

  • Research Group CADEMA

    The CADEMA research group collects all the Professors belonging to the research sector “Electrical Engineering” of the Department of Energy coordinating their activities. Historically linked to the numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields in components for energy conversion, it has developed several themes of methodological research in the electrical engineering topics.

  • Gruppo di Ricerca E3

    Le attività di ricerca del gruppo e3 sono focalizzate sull’uso efficiente dell’energia derivante da combustibili fossili o da biocombustibili in motori a combustione interna, con lo scopo di minimizzare le emissioni di anidride carbonica e di inquinanti, preservando l’ambiente.

  • Research Group FPRL

    The Fluid Power Research Laboratory has specific competencies on modelling, simulation, testing, validation and design of fluid power components and systems.

  • Research Group GUSEE

    The activity of the research group deals with power and energy systems, with applications to generation, transmission, distribution and utilisation of electricity. The specific topics include production from renewable sources and multi-generation, analysis and optimisation of electrical networks (smart grids), competitive electricity market, vulnerability of electrical systems, electrical safety, power quality and applications of artificial intelligence to electrical systems.

  • Research Group LAME

    The LAME Laboratory, founded by prof. Evasio Lavagno, is the DENERG reference group for research and didactic activities in the field of models and scenarios for energy planning and of energy systems analysis. The adopted approach is interdisciplinary, i.e. technological, economical, environmental and devoted to the integrated analysis of energy infrastructures and systems.

  • Gruppo di Ricerca M3ES

    Il gruppo M3ES si occupa di analisi, modellazione e sperimentazione di sistemi energetici in senso lato, attraverso un approccio multi-scala: dalla scala atomistica alla scala di prototipo fino a quella di impianto industriale.

  • Gruppo di Ricerca NEMO

    L’attività di ricerca del gruppo affronta le problematiche legate allo sviluppo, convalida e applicazione di metodi e strumenti computazionali per la simulazione di sistemi, componenti e processi rilevanti nel settore dell’ingegneria nucleare, con particolare riferimento agli aspetti di multifisica.

  • Gruppo di Ricerca PEEMD

    Il gruppo PEEMD (Power Electronics Electrical Machines and Drives) si occupa dello sviluppo di soluzioni innovative di power electronics, macchine elettriche ed azionamenti elettici.

  • Gruppo di Ricerca PT-ERC

    Il gruppo di ricerca Polito-Engine Research Center (PT-ERC) intende sviluppare e proporre soluzioni per un utilizzo efficiente dell’energia in sistemi di trasmissione convenzionali ed ibridi in modo da minimizzare le emissioni di inquinanti e di gas serra in atmosfera.

  • Research Group SOLAR

    The SOLAR group works in research and development activities devoted to solar photovoltaic, low-temperature solar thermal and concentrated solar power systems.

  • Research Project TEBE

    The Research activities are mainly carried out in in the field of building physics and are related to building energy performance, building envelope technologies and HVAC systems, indoor environmental quality and indoor environmental control (in cultural heritage buildings as well), green buildings integrative design, applied acoustics and lighting.

  • Research Group TESIN

    The research group is mainly focusing on the operation and safety of nuclear fission and fusion reactors, with particular attention to fluid dynamics, radionuclides transport, radiation safety and environmental impact.

  • Research Group THEAM

    Research cluster devoted to model and experimentally investigate the thermal transport phenomena occurring in systems, devices, and materials. Performance simulation and optimization of facilities and apparatuses by using analytical or numerical models specially developed.

    Abilities on setting up of apparatus and probes for thermal analysis of a wide variety of materials, from metals and alloys, up to organic materials and biological tissues.