Research Group ACRAQ

ACRAQ –,Air-conditioning, Refrigeration and Air Quality

The ACRAQ group develops research and technology transfer activities concerning thermal and refrigeration components and systems for industrial, commercial and residential applications, such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning, removal of airborne contaminants, the production of hot and cold fluids for process applications, the production, distribution and conservation of food, the air conditioning of vehicles, etc. The activity is theoretical-numerical and experimental, both in laboratory and in situ. Specific attention is devoted to the energy efficiency, environmental quality and safety related to the design, construction and operation of systems mentioned above. The ACRAQ group is also active in research and standardization working groups and associations operating internationally.


Marco Carlo MASOERO

Activity description

Invertible heat pumps: measurement techniques for efficiency and diagnostics of Heat Pumps; innovative applications of Heat Pumps; optimization of boreholes distribution for GSHP.

Energy efficiency in the ICT sector: innovative systems for data centers and radiobase stations; wireless systems for energy and functional monitoring of HVAC systems.

Energy auditing, inspection and monitoring of HVAC systems: analytical-experimental methods and applications to case studies in the tertiary sector; statistical techniques for the definition of energy consumption benchmarks; development of a web-based platform for energy consumption analysis.

Thermal energy measurement and heating cost allocation: Development and validation of the Ecothermo system for thermal control and measurement applied to centralized heating systems (international patent); construction of a full scale thermal Mockup operating with different hydraulic configurations and heating terminal types

Industrial and commercial refrigeration: Collaboration with industries of the Industrial District of Casale Monferrato in the development of HW and SW tools for the design and diagnostics aimed at energy efficiency and environmental sustainability (LCA) of cabinets, display units and refrigerated transports.

These activities are part of the wider project “Casale Capitale del Freddo” funded by Regione Piemonte.

Aerosol technology: : Development of methodologies and systems for the measurement of the performance of materials and components for  air and gas cleaning, CFD simulation of the behavior of materials and components for air and gas cleaning.

Air filtration: Evaluation of the impact on energy usage, HVAC systems operating cost and indoor air quality of the performance of air and gas cleaning components



  • Aerosol technology and air filtration laboratory
  • Combustion systems laboratory
  • Thermo-hydraulic Mockup for the characterization of thermal control and heat allocation for hydronic heating systems (at INRiM)


  • ETH Zurich (CH) – Air filtration and IAQ – group of Prof. Wang
  • University of Minnesota (USA) – Aerosol technologies - group of prof. Pui
  • Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Brasile) – CFS simulation and characterization of filter materials – group of proff. Gonçalves e Aguiar
  • WSA Cardiff (prof. Knight), U. Porto (prof. Alexandre), Armines Paristech (prof. Adnot) – Energy performance of HVAC systems
  • INRiM (dott. Fernicola) – metrology of thermal energy
  • Industrial District of Casale Monferrato (Centro Studi Galileo, EPTA-IARP, Sanden Vendo, Mondial Group, Pastor Frigor, Unifrigor, Cold Car, COFI Europe) and project Casale Capitale del Freddo

ERC Group Sector

PE8_6 Energy systems (production, distribution, application)

PE8_3 Civil engineering, architecture, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment

PE8_11 Sustainable design (for recycling, for environment, eco-design)

Other Info

  • Participation to the activities of AREA (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration European Association) and of the RES4MED consortium for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the Mediterranean area (M. Masoero)
  • Coordination of CEN/TC 195 “Air Filters for General Air Cleaning” (P. Tronville)
  • Coordination of ISO/TC142 “Cleaning equipment for air and other gases” (P. Tronville)
Leader Permanent staff Non permanent staff