The Department of ENERGY (DENERG) is the point of reference in Politecnico di Torino for the areas of knowledge concerned with energy and sustainable development. The Department has the aim of improving the existing energy technologies and promoting new ones, as well as contributing to the rational and informed use of energy resources.
DENERG promotes, coordinates and manages basic and applied research, training, technology transfer and services to the local community and industry in the fields of thermodynamics and thermo-fluid dynamics, fluid machines, energy systems, combustion, physics of nuclear reactors and plasmas, nuclear plants, principles of electrical engineering, electrical machines, electrical drives and power electronics, electrical power systems, thermophysical and electromagnetic properties of materials, indoor environment engineering, lighting, and acoustics.



In questa sezione vengono presentati i progetti di ricerca competitiva, didattica e su committenza di rilevante interesse per il Dipartimento Energia

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