Global Real-Time Simulation Lab @ Polito

G-RTS lab, at Politecnico di Torino, is an internationally interconnected lab for real-time simulation. It is active in studying the role of electricity in energy transition, as well as new smart grids and super grids for electricity.

G-RTSLab @ PoliTo is a crucial tool for studying those issues and plays a pioneering role in developing and testing the idea of distributed real-time simulations in cooperation with the RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and the European Commission DG Joint Research Centers in Ispra (Italy) and Petten (Netherlands).

G-RTS lab is part of a federation of laboratories located in different European member states (, enabling a cost-effective sharing of hardware and software facilities with special focus on real-time simulation. It supports the design, concept testing, regulation, technology impact analysis and compliance with network codes testing in the EU path toward smarter electricity systems. More specifically, it is aimed at studying:

  • The consistency of retail and wholesale market regimes.
  • System and generation adequacy.
  • Challenges and benefits of the integration and deployment of different technologies like storage, electric vehicles and renewable energy sources among others.
  • Interoperability and integration of standards.
  • Demand side provisions: demand management, peak shaving and incentives.
  • Validation of network codes in regards of the coordination between transmission and distribution.
  • Impact of cross-border interconnectors.

Scientific Coordinator is Prof. Ettore F. Bompard (