Research Group TESIN
TESIN – Safety and Thermal-hydraulics of Fission and Fusion Nuclear Power Plants
The research group is mainly focusing on the operation and safety of nuclear fission and fusion reactors, with particular attention to fluid dynamics, radionuclides transport, radiation safety and environmental impact.
Coordinator |
Permanent Staff |
Not-Permanent Staff |
Marco CARAMELLO Raffaella TESTONI Falcone Nicolò Luigi CANDIDO |
Activity description |
Thermo-hydraulics of components of nuclear installations and instrumentation for the measurement of two-phase parameters: fluid dynamics in Venturi tubes, Wire Mesh Sensor, Turbine meters. Thermal-hydraulics of passive safety systems for ADS, SMR and lead reactors: theoretical and experimental study of natural circulation. Safety aspects and environmental impact in fission and fusion nuclear facilities: accident scenarios and simulations with codes: EASY, RESRAD, GEN II-FRAMES, RELAP 3D Generation, transport and permeation of tritium in the blanket of fusion reactors and liquid metal fast reactors: experimental and modeling activities in collaboration with ENEA Brasimone and EUROFUSION Transport of radionuclides in groundwater: simulation of pollutant transport in groundwater with Hydrus and Modflow codes. Instrumentation for the measurement of parameters in fusion reactors ITER and DEMO: design and construction of vacuum probes for tritium. Decommissioning of nuclear installations, management of radioactive waste from fission and fusion, slag deposits: dissertations on specific development issues for plants of Trino Vercellese, Saluggia, Latina. Research reactors at high magnetic field for fusion studies on ignition, advanced cycles in He3, neutron sources: Ignitor project and Candor, ARC Project. Cryogenic applications in the medical field. |
Labs |
Thermo-hydraulics 1-2 Cryogenics Big Installation: Gas Liquefier |
Partnerships |
ENEA, Sogin, CEA, SCK CEN, ETH Zurich, UPC, UPM, KIT Karlsruhe, MIT Cambridge, UCLA Los Angeles, EUROFUSION, F4E Barcellona-Cadarache-Monaco |
ERC Group sector |
SH3_1 Environment, resources and sustainability PE8_5 Fluid mechanics, hydraulic-, turbo-, and piston engines PE8_6 Energy systems (production, distribution, application) |