Research Group FPRL
FPRL - Fluid Power Research Laboratory
The Fluid Power Research Laboratory has specific competencies on modelling, simulation, testing, validation and design of fluid power components and systems.
Coordinator |
Activity Description |
Modelling of positive displacement pumps: study of the steady-state and dynamic performances, in terms of leakages, flow ripple and chamber pressure history by means of 1D and 3D fluid dynamic software. The simulation tools can be used in pre-design stage or to improve the behaviour of already existing components. Modelling of fluid power valves: the real steady-state and transient characteristics of pressure, flow rate and direction control valves are simulated with the aim of improving the performances. Testing of pumps and motors: by means of dedicated test rigs, specific measurements are performed with the aim of validating the developed numerical models. |
Laboratoris |
The Fluid Power Research Laboratory is equipped with the following facilities: - 110 kW flow generating unit - Lubricating pumps test rig, for the measurement of the steady-state and dynamic performances - Pumps and motors test rig, for the measurement of the steady-state and dynamic performances of positive displacement pumps and motors up to 100 kW - Electrohydraulic servovalves test rig, for testing the valves in static and dynamic conditions, according to ISO standards.
Website |
ERC Group sector |
PE8_5 Fluid mechanics, hydraulic-, turbo-, and piston engines |